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Never Finished, Always Changing

by Caleb (Fee The Bunny) Hughes

So long, well it's time to go

Ok, well this is rather sudden and I'm sure its gonna piss off loads of people but to be blunt, the comic is dead. I could make loads of excuses like I always do but thats a waste of all out times. It's dead, loads of people are gonna be mad at me and well, yeah, I'm sorry. See you all around the art world though.

~ Fee

JAN Feb 2005
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About NFAC: Laura Linsang is an author fresh out of college, ripe and ready to write her first great novel. Only trouble is her overactive imagination. Her ideas are changing and evolving so fast she can't get a basic plot down, let alone a single scene that makes much sense sometimes.

All the while Ollie, her roommate, and herself have to deal with the usual struggles of life, from making ends meet to basic social interaction in this strange tale. Will the novel ever be finished? Not likely, but it'll be fun to watch the process unfold nontheless.


Never Finished, Always Changing is writen and illustrated by Caleb (Fee The Bunny) Hughes. All characters and images (unless otherwise stated) are copyright Caleb (Fee The Bunny) Hughes 2005.
Never Finished, Always Changing is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.